Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Colon Cancer Canada - Great Cause

Colon Cancer.

Colon Cancer: Did you know that it affects more than just the 50 years and over crowd?

I can tell you first hand that even in your 20's you could be at risk.

(visit www.coloncancercanada.ca to get more information and get involved!)

A brief history on how I got acquainted with Colon Cancer.

In November 2009, King Township’s (Ontario, Canada) Tanya Shepherd, 28, died of colon cancer, leaving behind friends, family, husband, and a young child. 
To raise awareness of the disease in memory of Tanya, Holly, her sister, Kate Shepherd, and sister-in-law, Jennifer Shepherd, are organizing a Push for Your Tush run/walk in Aurora.
In prior years, the sisters-in-law raised funds through the annual Underwear Affair in Toronto, where the team dedicated to Tanya’s memory, Tanya’s Tushies, was the top fundraising team. But when it was cancelled the year after Tanya passed, we knew we had to keep the awareness out there.

More than 22,500 Canadians were diagnosed with colon cancer in 2010 and more than 9,100 died from the disease. WOW! Surprising because early intervention avoids DEATH in most cases!
During Tanya’s fight, family members created and sold cancer bead bracelets, where each colour of bead represented a different type of cancer, something we have continued to do to raise awareness and support for other families.

If your interested in one of these bracelets, let me know! I will ship them to you, drive them to you, or find a way :)

This year was our second annual Push for Your Tush event in Aurora, Ontario and we raised $52,000 dollars - and counting!
Everyone walked/ Ran despite the on and off rain!

Please, find a way to support this cause. Either by donation, or awareness because Colon Cancer is CURABLE WHEN FOUND EARLY!
Enjoy some of the pictures from this years event, taken by yours truly (Raven Knights Photoshoot)